<iftest="controlLogId != null and controlLogId != ''">
@ -50,6 +61,9 @@
<iftest="controlResult != null and controlResult != ''">
and control_result = #{controlResult}
<iftest="controlContext != null and controlContext != ''">
and control_context = #{controlContext}
<iftest="createBy != null and createBy != ''">
and create_by = #{createBy}
@ -63,7 +77,6 @@
and update_time = #{updateTime}
limit #{pageable.offset}, #{pageable.pageSize}
@ -92,6 +105,9 @@
<iftest="controlResult != null and controlResult != ''">
and control_result = #{controlResult}
<iftest="controlContext != null and controlContext != ''">
and control_context = #{controlContext}
<iftest="createBy != null and createBy != ''">
and create_by = #{createBy}
@ -108,18 +124,11 @@
insert into psdc_control_log(control_log_id,device_id,device_name,device_sn,control_key,control_value,control_result,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)
insert into psdc_control_log(control_log_id,device_id,device_name,device_sn,control_key,control_value,control_result,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)
<iftest="deviceStatus != null and deviceStatus != ''">
and device_status = #{deviceStatus}
<iftest="deviceRunstatus != null and deviceRunstatus != ''">
and device_runstatus = #{deviceRunstatus}
<iftest="photoUrl != null and photoUrl != ''">
and photo_url = #{photoUrl}
@ -118,6 +156,9 @@
<iftest="deviceStatus != null and deviceStatus != ''">
and device_status = #{deviceStatus}
<iftest="deviceRunstatus != null and deviceRunstatus != ''">
and device_runstatus = #{deviceRunstatus}
<iftest="photoUrl != null and photoUrl != ''">
and photo_url = #{photoUrl}
@ -137,9 +178,13 @@
insert into psdc_device(user_id,device_type,device_sn,device_name,hard_version,soft_version,device_address,start_time,device_status,photo_url,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)