@ -73,24 +73,15 @@ |
</select> |
<select id="queryByUserId" resultMap="PsdcDeviceMap"> |
select device_id, parent_id, device_model, is_control, |
user_id, |
device_type, |
device_sn, |
device_name, |
hard_version, |
soft_version, |
device_address, |
start_time, |
device_status, |
device_runstatus, |
photo_url, |
create_by, |
create_time, |
update_by, |
update_time |
from psdc_device |
where user_id = #{userId} |
Select * From psdc_device |
<where> |
<if test="userId != null and userId != ''"> |
And user_id = #{userId} |
</if> |
<if test="parentId != null and parentId != ''"> |
And parent_id = #{parentId} |
</if> |
</where> |
</select> |
<!--分页查询指定行数据--> |
@ -211,7 +202,7 @@ |
insert into psdc_device(user_id, device_type, parent_id, device_model, is_control, device_sn, device_name, hard_version, soft_version, |
device_address, start_time, device_status, device_runstatus, photo_url, create_by, |
create_time, update_by, update_time) |
values (#{userId}, #{deviceType}, #{deviceModel},#{parentId},#{isControl, #{deviceSn}, #{deviceName}, #{hardVersion}, #{softVersion}, #{deviceAddress}, |
values (#{userId}, #{deviceType}, #{deviceModel},#{parentId},#{isControl}, #{deviceSn}, #{deviceName}, #{hardVersion}, #{softVersion}, #{deviceAddress}, |
#{startTime}, #{deviceStatus}, #{deviceRunstatus}, #{photoUrl}, #{createBy}, #{createTime}, #{updateBy}, |
#{updateTime}) |
</insert> |
@ -222,7 +213,7 @@ |
create_time, update_by, update_time) |
Values |
<foreach collection="devRecord" item="entity" separator=","> |
(NULL, #{entity.deviceType}, #{entity.deviceSn}, #{entity.deviceName}, #{entity.hardVersion}, #{entity.softVersion}, #{entity.deviceAddress}, |
(NULL, #{entity.deviceType}, #{entity.deviceSn}, #{entity.deviceModel},#{entity.parentId},#{entity.isControl}, #{entity.deviceName}, #{entity.hardVersion}, #{entity.softVersion}, #{entity.deviceAddress}, |
#{entity.startTime}, #{entity.deviceStatus}, #{entity.deviceRunstatus}, #{entity.photoUrl}, #{entity.createBy}, #{entity.createTime}, NULL, NULL) |
</foreach> |
</insert> |